Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Braised Short Ribs

Not only did hubby and I share a cow with a few other families, but we also are participating in a winter meat farm share with Truelove Farms.  We had beef short ribs from both.  I had tried making short ribs from a Food Network recipe several years ago and completely struck out so I was leery to try again.  This recipe is definitely one for a weekend and isn't quick like many of the others I post but it was delicious.  I found it here and made it more Paleo friendly.  If you are avoiding alcohol altogether, you might try some unsweetened grape or apple juice for your braising liquid but not sure how that will taste (let me know if you try it!) or some beef broth.


8 beef short ribs (recipe says about 6 ounces each but mine were wacky sized and it all worked fine)
2/3 cup almond flour
2 tbsp onion powder
3 tbsp salt (I used sea salt which is less salty so I upped this to 4 tbsp)
2 tbsp black ground pepper
4 chopped/diced garlic cloves
4 tbsp olive oil
2 onions, chopped
2 cups of chopped carrots
2 cups organic red wine
2 sprigs fresh rosemary with the pieces picked off the stem
2 cans of either low sodium chicken broth or beef broth (don't open both - just have on hand as you may or may not need that much depending on your pan)

Preheat oven to 300 degrees

In a shallow dish or bowl (I used a glass pie plate and it worked PERFECTLY), combine the almond flour, salt, pepper and onion powder.

 Dredge each beef rib through the the dry mixture and shake off the excess.  Shake fairly well as almond flour absorbs moisture more readily than regular flour.

Heat olive oil and garlic in a large skillet.

Cook ribs on medium high heat until all sides are browned.  Because it is easier and I didn't have a pan large enough, I did two to three ribs at a time.

Place the browned ribs in an oven safe baking dish.

Reduce the heat to medium low and add the carrots and onions to the skillet and cook until they are soft and slightly browned.

Add the red wine and rosemary to the skillet and simmer until the liquid reduces by about one half.

Pour the mixture carefully over the ribs.

Add broth until the ribs are just covered by the liquid.  I failed to plan ahead on this step and my baking dish wasn't deep enough so, PLAN AHEAD.  The liquid needs to cover the meat.

Braise covered in the oven for three hours or until the meat is literally falling off of the rib (it might take longer than three hours or shorter - I would start checking them at the 2.5 hour mark).

Once done, take the ribs out and you can simmer the remaining liquid on the stove top for a "gravy" of sorts. I just served it "as is" on the side and it was delicious, especially the carrots!

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