My husband suggested that all my posts didn't have to be recipes. And he is right. Part of this journey is how to function within Paleo constraints and a super busy lifestyle. A question people ask me all the time (after I tell them I don't eat dairy, grains, legumes or anything processed) is "What DO you eat?" Understandable for the uninitiated, right? A snapshot of my "food day" looks something like this:
Morning - 2 eggs medium boiled with a sprinkling of sea salt. I like my eggs still warm but if you don't mind a real hard boiled egg or cold, you could make these ahead by the dozen and save a bunch of time in the morning. Usually I pop mine in the water while I make my 3 year old's waffles (no, he isn't Paleo...yet) and once boiling, set the timer for six minutes and go about my business getting ready for work.
I also pack my food for the day in the morning but a lot of the prep work is done in the evening or on weekends. For instance, I buy a huge container of strawberries at Costco and wash and cut them all up immediately and store in a large container to be portioned out when needed. Hubby wanted me to include that every weekend we (meaning "he") grills up a whole family size package of chicken breasts and then cuts them into strips for topping salads or just for snacking.
Snacks - I pack for snacks one fruit snack, sometimes two and a small bag of almonds. A good friend (who will be guest posting her granola recipe soon!) suggested buying the four pound jug of almonds at Costco and portioning them into ziploc bags immediately upon returning home to throw quickly into the daily food bag. Great idea.
Lunch - Generally a salad or leftovers from the night before. Again, when I get home from my trusty Costco with my enormous bag of romaine lettuce, I wash, spin and chop it right away and store it in a large container with a damp paper towel (keeps it from drying out and/or getting rusty). So I just throw some in a tupperware, top it with the aforementioned grilled chicken and whatever else happens to be in the fridge. Often I will roast brussel sprouts and broccoli over the weekend and the leftovers are saved to top salads. Or cook up a bunch of bacon which is also so yummy on salads.
Dinner - that's what my recipes are for! Spaghetti squash is my current favorite but Paleo dinners are pretty easy. Meat and vegetables, YUM!
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