Friday, March 29, 2013

Sweet Italian Sausage Saute

In my pre-Paleo days, I loved ordering a hearty pasta dish with Italian sausage.  These days, pasta is a no-no but, thankfully, sausage isn't!  I get my sausage from Truelove Farms.  Tom, the owner is young and really nice so if you are in the Connecticut area, the farm is definitely worth a trip and he has some great ideas and products there.  But his sweet Italian sausage is my favorite!  So I figured I should create a dish to highlight it and satisfy my sausage and pasta craving.


One onion, diced
Two roma tomatoes, chopped
1 Tbs diced garlic (or more!  I love garlic)
2 Tbs Olive oil
1 lb sweet Italian sausage
Italian seasoning
1 large spaghetti squash, roasted (don't know how to roast one?  Go here!)

Start cooking your squash first because it will take longer than the saute.  Before you even start dicing the onion and tomato, have the squash in the oven.

Saute the onion, tomato and garlic in the olive oil over medium heat until the onion is cooked through (but not clear).

Add a good amount of Italian seasoning and mix it all together.

While that is all cooking, carefully cut the sausage links into 1/2 inch to 1 inch chunks (totally up to you on size - whatever you prefer!)

Add those to the pan and continue to cook over medium heat for about ten minutes or until the sausage is cooked through.  You can cover it to help it cook a little faster or if you think there isn't enough "sauce" to adequately coat your squash.

While it's cooking, hopefully your squash is done or close to done so you can start pulling the strings with a fork.  With this recipe, it might be a good idea to put the "spaghetti" strands into a strainer in the sink to strain off some of the extra moisture since you are going to be adding a "sauce" of sorts.

Once your sausage is cooked and your squash is ready, just top the "spaghetti" with the sausage saute and you are ready to eat.  So yummy and hubby approved!


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